Food For Thought

"We must, however, acknowledge, as it seems to me, that man with all his noble qualities, with sympathy which feels for the most debased, with benevolence which extends not only to other men but to the humblest living creature, with his god-like intellect which has penetrated into the movements and constitution of the solar system — with all these exalted powers — Man still bears in his bodily frame the indelible stamp of his lowly origin."

-Charles Darwin

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

About Elements

Rather sporadically, earlier today I took it upon myself to try to look up lists of colleges that actually taught creationism or "intelligent design" as a serious part of their science curriculum, and while I was wholly unsurprised to see that nearly every school listed in every list I could find had either the word "Christian" or some other kind of Christian Sect (such as "Baptist", etc.) written right next to it, what DID surprise me was a certain article in the official "Institute for Creation Research." This article:

Which reads:

"The visible energy from the sun is the sunshine that lights the day and the moonlight reflected by the moon at night. The range of visible colors is a very small part of the electromagnetic spectrum. The range of visible light across the spectrum forms the colors we call a rainbow.

Chemicals give off and absorb light at specific points on the electromagnetic spectrum. By comparing the light from various chemicals with the light from our sun, we have learned that our sun is made up mostly of hydrogen. We have also learned which atoms are in galaxies far away. The chemical elements across the universe behave the same as they do for us.

The light from distant galaxies comes from explosions of hydrogen. These are nuclear explosions, which are much more powerful than chemical explosions.

Gravity draws all the sun's hydrogen together creating intense pressure. In the core of the sun the huge forces cause nuclear fusion reactions. Hydrogen atoms fuse together into helium and release huge amounts of energy. This explosive energy does not cause the sun to disintegrate and die, but the universal laws of physics keep the energy of the sun continually in balance.

The same laws of physics that hold our exploding sun together do the same for the stars that light up the night sky.

Processes today operate primarily within fixed natural laws and relatively uniform process rates, but since these laws were themselves originally created and are daily maintained by their Creator, there is always the possibility of miraculous intervention in these laws or processes by their Creator."

And I was stunned. Why? Well...because I believe that they might just be on to something here. I mean, the implications are completely and utterly astounding. This article proposes that universal phenomena such as gravity and atomic theory...are actually universal and, get this, they affect everything in the universe equally! This is a discovery deserving of a Nobel Peace Prize!...if it still were the late 1800s....

As a matter of fact, yes scientists do know that the universal laws of the universe are...well...universal.

Quite simply put, the reasons why almost every kind of star behaves the same way and conforms to the same laws of physics are because they are made of the same kind of stuff and are regulated by the same laws of physics as our sun. This should not be shocking, of course.

All the atoms of a certain kind behave the same way because they are made of the same "stuff". However, many of the laws of physics themselves are also a result of their own kind of "stuff", and one of the modern reasonings for why this is as such (and a very well supported idea as well) is that every major law of physics from electromagnetism (regulated by the photon) down to the nuclear forces and gravity (of which gravity is supposedly regulated by the hypothetical graviton).

The universe is a relatively uniform place due to the Big Bang. Uniformity in our universe, however, comes not from symmetry, but composition and function. And just as the primordial forefathers of all the matter in our current universe were seeded throughout the universe by the Big Bang nearly 14 billion years ago, so were the primordial forefathers of the "stuff" that regulates the laws of physics.

So in the same manner that all matter of a certain type act in the same way because they are made of the same stuff, the laws of physics function the same way universally because they too are made of their own unique but of "stuff".

This phenomena is no more proof for a creation than the tides are. So no ICR, you are wrong yet again.

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